Band 6 (März 2004)
Band 6 (März 2004)
Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 6: 1–93. Die „Großschmetterlinge“ des westlichen Unterfrankens: Tagfalter, „Spinner & Schwärmer“ (Lepidoptera: „Macrolepidoptera“). Michael Ochse & Frank Rosenbauer. Download als PDF.
Abstract: The butterflies and “macromoths” of western Lower Franconia (Lepidoptera: “Macrolepidoptera”). Within the last 50 years data on the Macrolepidoptera fauna of Western Lower Franconia, located in the most northwestern part of the federal state of Bavaria in Germany, have not been published comprehensively. In this paper the authors present an annotated list of all butterfly and larger moth species (excluding the families Noctuidae and Geometridae) known from the examined area. Three different ecozones span the region: the dry and sandy Upper Rhine groove (lower river Main plain), the mountainous Spessart mixedwood zone, and the dry limestone zone of the middle river Main valley. The distinct ecological habitats and the dry, warm climate along the river Main support a diverse and rich Lepidoptera fauna. Records of 308 species from 22 Lepidoptera families are presented. Of 30 species (10%) no records were detected after 1980 and they are thus regarded as extinct. Species of the following families are listed in this paper, with the recorded species numbers in parenthesis: Hepialidae (3), Psychidae (14), Limacodidae (2), Zygaenidae (17), Sesiidae (18), Cossidae (4), Thyrididae (1), Lasiocampidae (15), Endromidae (1), Saturniidae (2), Lemoniidae (1), Sphingidae (18), Hesperiidae (15), Papilionidae (2), Pieridae (12), Lycaenidae (39), Nymphalidae (50), Drepanidae (15), Notodontidae (30), Lymantriidae (10), Nolidae (9), and Arctiidae (30). Zusammenfassung: Die Großschmetterlingsfauna des westlichen Unterfrankens wurde in den letzten 50 Jahren nicht mehr zusammenfassend dargestellt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit stellen die Autoren Nachweise aus den 22 Familien der sogenannten Tagfalter, Spinner und Schwärmer für das in Bayern gelegene Untersuchungsgebiet zusammen. Dieses beinhaltet Teile der in der collinen Stufe gelegenen Naturräume Oberrheingraben (Untermainebene), Spessart und Mainfränkische Platten, und es ist geprägt durch das Maintal und ein hügeliges Landschaftsbild. In der für mitteleuropäische Verhältnisse teilweise klimatisch begünstigten Region werden Nachweise von insgesamt 308 Schmetterlingsarten aufgeführt. Von 30 Arten (10%) konnten seit 1980 keine Belege mehr erbracht werden, weshalb sie als ausgestorben oder verschollen eingestuft wurden. Im einzelnen finden folgende Familien Berücksichtigung, mit den Artenzahlen in Klammern: Hepialidae (3), Psychidae (14), Limacodidae (2), Zygaenidae (17), Sesiidae (18), Cossidae (4), Thyrididae (1), Lasiocampidae (15), Endromidae (1), Saturniidae (2), Lemoniidae (1), Sphingidae (18), Hesperiidae (15), Papilionidae (2), Pieridae (12), Lycaenidae (39), Nymphalidae (50), Drepanidae (15), Notodontidae (30), Lymantriidae (10), Nolidae (9) und Arctiidae (30).
Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 6: 95–216. Beitrag zur Wanzen-Faunistik in Bayern mit Kommentaren zur Neufassung der Roten Liste (Insecta: Heteroptera, Geocorisae). Markus Bräu & Markus Schwibinger. Download als PDF.
Abstract: Recent records (1986–2003) of endangered or rare species of land bugs (Heteroptera, Geocorisae) from several regions of Bavaria are compiled together with data of unpublished material preserved at the Bavarian Zoological State Collection (Munich). The species list is supplemented with hints on the previously published records from Bavaria. Furthermore the criteria for the species’ status of endangerment are explained, having led to their ranking within the recently published second edition of the Bavarian Red Data Book.
Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 6: 217–235. Die Wanzen der Neophyten Douglasie (Pseudotsuga menziesii) und Amerikanischer Roteiche (Quercus rubra) im Vergleich zur Fichte und Tanne bzw. Stieleiche und Buche in südbayerischen Wäldern – Schwerpunkt arborikole Zönosen (Insecta: Heteroptera). Martin Goßner & Markus Bräu. Download als PDF.
Abstract: Heteroptera were collected from Douglas fir, spruce, fir, pedunculate oak, Red oak and beech at different managed forest sites in southern Bavaria (1999–2001), using various trap types. Different tree strata were studied. The main focus was set on the canopy layer. Altogether 9,696 specimens were sampled, belonging to 96 species. There were 19 species of the Red List of Bavaria/Germany among them. With Actinonotus pulcher one species of the highest category was detected. There was a conspicuous difference in species assemblages between studied tree strata and between tree species. Pedunculate oak was by far the most diverse tree species, followed by Red oak and beech. On Red oak a generalistic part of true bug oak-coenoses was found. Only slightly less species were caught on Douglas fir compared to spruce. Douglas fir woolly aphid seems to influence the community on Douglas fir to a great extent.
Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 6: 237–242. Neue Nachweise der Gefleckten Ameisenjungfer Euroleon nostras (Fourcroy, 1785) aus den Dolomitsandheiden des Nördlichen Frankenjura, nebst Anmerkungen zur Zucht (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Julian Bittermann. Download als PDF.
Summary: New records of Euroleon nostras (Fourcroy, 1785) from the dolomite sands of Northern Bavaria are provided. Descriptions of the larval biotopes are given, together with observations concerning rearing the larvae.
Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 6: 243–254. Neuropteren in Wäldern Schwabens und Oberbayerns (Insecta: Neuropterida). Axel Gruppe, Martin Goßner & Ulrich Simon. Download als PDF.
Abstract: Faunistic studies in the southern part of Bavaria with automatic insect traps yielded a high number of neuropterid specimens in the years 1999–2002. Altogether 19 experimental sites were sampled with different sets of traps at ground level and in the canopy of closed forests. Here we present a list of species and specimens from all sites regardless of the sampling design and period of time. 47 species were recorded representing one half of the known Bavarian neuropterid fauna. More than 90% of the specimens were caught in the canopy layer. Several species are recorded for the first time from that region. This finding is not due to the rarity of species but to the lack of sampling in that region and particular in forest canopies.
Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 6: 255–271. Imaginalbiologie und Überleben isolierter Kleinpopulationen des Libellenschmetterlingshaft Libelloides coccajus ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) im bayerischen Taubertal nördlich Rothenburg o.d.T. (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae). Werner Wolf. Download als PDF.
Summary: A small and isolated population of Libelloides coccajus D. & S. was monitored in the bavarian Tauber Valley north of Rothenburg during the years 1995–2003. A lot of new facts concerning its adult behaviour and biology have been gained. Besides its climatic demands (highly thermophilic), terrain structure is another limiting factor for area expansions of L. coccajus. Oviposition sites proved to be highly specific, they are a major key to the improvement of its habitats. Landscape management schemes have been developed to meet the needs of this species. Possible reasons for a temporary breakdown of population sizes in 1998 and 1999 are discussed.